Star point guard for the Philadelphia 76ers James Harden is a bachelor. He is not married and has never admitted to having any children. It is unclear if he even has a girlfriend at the moment.
So what does a super rich and famous, single man with no kids (maybe) do on his downtime on Instagram? DM hot girls.
That is exactly what James Harden apparently did the night he decided to DM Celina Smith. If you don’t know who Celina Smith is, she is YouTuber SteveWillDoIt’s girlfriend. SteveWillDoIt is a member of the Nelk Boys who recently got his YouTube channel deleted.
SteveWillDoIt was recently on Bradley Martyn’s Raw Talk podcast where he talked about why he was banned from YouTube. He also talked about how he found out James Harden direct messaged his girlfriend on Instagram. Celina actually joined the episode later on to confirm this. She also revealed David Spade has also slid in her DMs.
Watch SteveWillDoIt reveal James Harden slid in his girlfriend’s DMs at the 34:40 mark below!
If you have never seen Celina Smith, check her out below. Can you really blame James Harden?