The popular marketplace is investing itself even further into the sneaker reseller game. eBay has long been a place to buy sneakers but one of its downfalls has always been determining whether the shoes sold on eBay were fake or not. Unlike StockX, there was no entity to verify if the sneakers being sold were authentic or not.
Now, with the help of popular sneaker convention SneakerCon, eBay will be launching a new sneaker authentication program to help determine whether shoes are fake or not. The sneakers will be put through a legit check process like that of StockX to help ensure buyers are getting authentic sneakers. If sneakers are deemed authentic, an eBay hangtag will be attached to the sneakers.
Senior Vice President and General Manager of eBay North America said of its new sneaker authentication program:
“Authentication has become an expectation for today’s consumers in categories of high passion and high value, and this program makes eBay the most attractive platform for enthusiasts in these categories…eBay operates the world’s most diverse sneaker marketplace – with the widest selection and best prices – and by removing any uncertainty with the buying process, our community can buy and sell with total confidence.”
The new eBay sneaker authentication program will be available later this month, October 2020. All pre-owned and new sneakers sold on the platform that costs $100 in the U.S will be available to participate in the first phase of the program with expectations of sneakers costing over $100 to be available in the near future.