
The Hundreds Postpone Their Warehouse Sale

The list continues to grow of companies and stores shutting down or postponing events. You can now officially add streetwear brand, The Hundreds, to that list. The Hundreds had recently announced they would be hosting their much anticipated warehouse sale this year. For those unfamiliar, The Hundreds sometimes hosts (about once a year, sometimes they skip a year) a massive warehouse sale. This warehouse sale has become a legendary event among Los Angeles streetwear and The Hundreds fans.  The sale is held in The Hundreds’ warehouse which is located in Vernon, CA.

Due to the recent coronavirus pandemic, the company decided to postpone their much anticipated warehouse sale. Personally, I was pissed about the cancellation and I wasn’t the only one. Take a look at some of the comments on The Hundreds’ official Instagram account following the postpone announcement:

The Hundreds Warehouse Sale


Some people had to cancel their weekend plans…

The Hundreds Warehouse Sale (2)


And some people were willing to die for the streetwear haha…

The Hundreds Warehouse Sale (3)


The official warehouse sale cancellation announcement:

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Um hey. So, ahhh, listen. We know you were really excited about The Hundreds Warehouse Sale. We were, too. I mean, cmon. It’s the first one in a couple years and we love getting to see everyone in our community come together and have fun that weekend. But we have to move it. This Coronavirus thing is for real and we just don’t feel right jamming a couple thousand people into the warehouse when the risk is seemingly so high. We’d rather keep our huge extended family safe and sound and just host the Warehouse Sale another weekend when the coast is clear. ⠀ ⠀ But there is some good news…⠀ ⠀ Since we know you were stoked to score some serious savings on The Hundreds gear that weekend, we’re going to have a BLOWOUT SALE online. Now, everyone in LA who was going to come, and everyone that’s stuck somewhere else across our big flat Earth, can all reap the savings. So shout out Coronavirus, I guess?⠀ ⠀ 😷Remember not to touch your faces!😷

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Personally, I think the postponement was a weak move. Streetwear was built on the foundation of being rebellious and going against the grain. Were 70+ senior citizens really going to be showing up at the warehouse sale? No they weren’t. It was going to be packed with young, healthy, strong immune system individuals that wanted their streetwear at a discounted price the weekend of March 21-22, 2020. Nonetheless, I also understand the company’s decision to try and be as safe as possible during these times. Even though this whole coronavirus “pandemic” is all a big joke to me…that is a different story for a different time.

To make it up, The Hundreds has decided to host an online sale. The sale takes place today (3/15) online at at 9 PM PST, but just don’t expect it to be anything near as cool or as cheap as their warehouse sale. While I don’t agree with the move (and neither do a lot of other people), thank you The Hundreds for caring about the health and safety of Angelinos.


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