There are a lot of really cool haircuts out there, but when it comes to Playboi Carti inspired cuts this guy might have the best. His name is John Luke Lubben out of San Diego, California and he has Playboi Carti’s ‘Whole Lotta Red’ album cover as his haircut design.
I had a chance to speak with him regarding his wild haircut and the inspiration behind it. This is what he had to say…
You got Playboi Carti’s ‘Whole Lotta Red’ album cover as your haircut. Why?
John: It started because one day I had a pair of Yeezy 700s on and was just like, “Damn, these would look sick if my hair was red.” After some pondering I said fuck it. Shaved my curly head, bleached it, and dyed it red. It turned out dope and I changed up my whole style as a result.
I also knew I wanted to see Carti again, and I knew the red hair would be perfect for a show. At some point my brother texted me about Smokers Club Fest and somehow from there it just became “I want Carti on my head.”
I had the idea and realized it perfectly embodied the the punk aesthetic and intense energy of the album.
It felt to me that it was a perfect example of consumption and understanding of artwork, followed by inspiration and a creative output.
Physically embodying the album and being an insane person doing flips in the mosh pit seems like the perfect way to show my love for the culture!
Although I love modern music, I always wished I had grown up in the 70s for the infamous punk/metal shows but now Carti genuinely embodies punk in a new way; the shredding electric guitar intros and Carti screaming his head off into over-intensified trap song brings energy and says “fuck you” in the best way.
Who designed your hair?
John: A hairstylist in Los Angeles by the name of Janine Ker! Check her out please I can’t thank her enough for bringing this idea to life! @janine_ker_hair
Also, for anyone wondering, it’s been 12 days and my head still looks perfect.
Was it difficult to get your hair to look like the album cover? How long did it take?
John: It definitely was difficult. I can say that for sure because Janine does this for a living and she said this is the most challenging request a client has given her.
Because the color red bleeds into everything, it was very hard to keep Carti’s face from turning red. his face itself also required a lot of detail; Janine spent about 3-4 hours practicing beforehand and then spent about 3 hours dyeing my hair. All of that was following 3 hours of bleaching and toning my hair white, so a total of around 10 hours.
Any regrets on your haircut?
John: Absolutely not. Fashion and style have always been an obsession of mine and this is definitely the coolest idea I’ve ever brought to life. Not only that, it was inspired by an artist that’s important to me and appreciated by the community.
How big of a Playboi Carti fan are you?
John: I thoroughly appreciate his style and the genuine originality of it. I obsess over art styles that are both very minimal and very recognizable. They are the the hardest to create and frequently the most timeless/influential.
Also, I really appreciate his influence on the fashion world and the influence the fashion world has had on him.
He also posted me doing a flip in the mosh pit on his Instagram. It was a cool full circle moment for me not only because of the die lit cover, but also because freerunning is my life’s passion and I got to use it to connect with the artist and be a part of the culture!
Any future exotic hair designs you are thinking of?
Not yet, send me ideas ! @lukelubben.