What is the Coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are a type of virus. The latest trending coronavirus (COVID-19) is a newly identified type that has caused a recent outbreak of respiratory illness that started in China.
Coronavirus Impact
The Coronavirus is in full effect and is showing no signs of slowing down. As of today, there has been over 114,000 coronavirus cases and over 4,000 deaths as a result of the virus. At least 58 countries outside China have reported cases and that number will continue to rise. Schools across the United States and the world are beginning to shut down and go fully online including California based schools San Jose State University, USC, UCLA, and University of California, San Diego. The World Health Organization has just declared the COVID-19 a pandemic.
Coronavirus Mask Prevention
As the virus continues to spread around the world, one way to prevent getting infected from the coronavirus is by covering your mouth and breathing infectious air. One way to cover your mouth and preventing the virus from infecting you via respiration is by wearing a face mask. As stores begin to run out of essentials such as water and toilet paper, here are some places where you can still buy coronavirus face masks to prevent possible infection…
As of today, coronavirus face masks are still available and affordable via Amazon. It would be wise to buy some face masks sooner rather than later as the COVID-19 virus continues to spread. While still affordable now, they may not be so in the coming weeks. You can purchase the following three masks for under $20 via Amazon Prime today.
If you prefer to buy your coronavirus preventive face masks in person, you may do so at your local CVS. CVS sells the following face masks which can be found in-store at your local CVS for under $15. It wouldn’t hurt to pick up some hand sanitizer while you’re at CVS either.
If you do not live near a CVS, you might live near a Walmart which would still allow you to buy your coronavirus face masks in person. There are Walmarts everywhere so there might be one near you. Walmart has a variety of face masks available which may not be available at a CVS simply due to the size of the store and amount of inventory Walmart possesses. If you are looking for a full face mask that goes all the way to your neck for more protection, Walmart is your best bet.
Trazo Shop
If you are looking for a solid reusable mask then Trazo Shop has the mask you are looking for. The “Anti Viral N95 Reusable Mouth Mask” just might be the best reusable coronavirus mask available for an affordable price. The mask is currently on sale for 50% off at $19.99. According to the product description, the mask “reduces the risk from being infected by viruses.” The mask is made of nylon mesh and “lightweight material allows you to wear it all day and allows your skin to breath in hot and humid conditions.” Head on over to Trazo shop before it sells out!
How Helpful Can a Face Mask Be Against the Coronavirus?
The full debate is still out on this. Experts on both sides have debated for and against the use of face masks. However, here are some basic facts about how the coronavirus can be spread according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):
- Among individuals who are in close contact with one another (approximately 6 feet).
- Through respiratory droplets created when an infected person sneezes or coughs.
According to scientists, sneezes and coughs can travel several feet and stay in the air for up to 10 whole minutes. Therefore, contaminated air can presumably be avoided with the use of a face mask which is why some people argue for them to prevent coronavirus infection.
While the scientists that argue for them may have their own reasoning, it definitely wouldn’t hurt to wear one. Better safe than sorry.