Insider Edition
In the early days of COVID-19, many people were reluctant to wear masks, but as some states began to mandate the use of masks while in public, masks have become the new beauty accessory. As with many products some people just want to get the cheapest thing to get the job done, but there is always that person that has to have the most expensive or newest innovation.
In the case of COVID-19 masks, the person who just had to have the most expensive face mask in the world was a Chinese businessman who lives in The United States of America.
Jewelry designer, Isaac Levy, recently began commissioning the one of a kind mask after he received the order that contained three conditions:
- Must be delivered before December 31, 2020.
- The mask must be N-99 compliant. The mask will comply with FDA and European standards.
- The face mask once completed must be the most expensive face mask in the world.
As a business owner I don’t think you could complain with that third condition! Mr. Levy made mention that this order allowed him to keep his staff employed and busy during a time when many companies are closing their doors.
In order to make the world’s most expensive COVID-19 face mask for the client, Isaac and his staff made the base of the mask 18k white gold and proceeded to set 3,600 black and white diamonds throughout the front of the face mask. When said and done, the mask will cross the cash register weighing about a half of a pound and costing a whopping, $1,500,000.
The best part of this news comes from the designer of the mask who said that the mask will not be comfortable to wear. We will have to wait and see if the owner of the mask, who hasn’t seem to be named in any of the coverage of the mask even wears it at all.
The owner of the mask might also have just wanted to start a new “rich people challenge.” The designer of the most expensive COVID-19 mask was quoted as saying:
“It is the most expensive mask in the world…if there will be another company that will create such a mask and will challenge us, I am sure that we’re going to find another customer to buy a more expensive mask.”
If you don’t have an extra $1.5 million laying around to spend on a COVID-19 mask, don’t worry! Business Insider recently published a study that showed the N95 mask stopped 99.9% of droplets, a two layer cotton mask stopped 99.5%, and a 100% cotton t-shirt was even able to stop 97%.
It would seem that masks may remain part of peoples daily wardrobe for the foreseeable future so be on the look out for more extravagant / luxury masks coming onto the market. Stay safe, wear your mask (no matter how expensive it is) and stay tuned to learn all you need to know about COVID-19 masks on aGOODoutfit.