
Is She a Thot If She Has an OnlyFans Account?

OnlyFans ThotFellas…nobody wants to wife a thot. So what do you do when your girlfriend or crush creates an OnlyFans account? Does having an OnlyFans account make a girl a thot?

Ladies…we are in tough economic times. A good way to make some extra income is to create an OnlyFans account. But should you stoop so low to expose your body for money? Is having an OnlyFans account an honorable thing to do?

Let’s take an introspective and objective look at the OnlyFans account phenomena.

What Is OnlyFans?

To start, I will provide a brief summary of what exactly OnlyFans is for those that don’t know. OnlyFans is a social media platform which allows “creators” to run a paid subscription content service for which they provide exclusive content to their paid subscribers known as “fans”. While the platform is made for any type of content or creator, it has become notoriously known as a platform where women provide explicit pictures/videos.

What Type of Girls Create an OnlyFans Account?

This is where the debate starts. I have personally met a girl (Burbank Town Center in California) that I approached and talked up enough to get her number and begin texting. She was very attractive. We followed each other on social media and a few weeks later I noticed she had created an OnlyFans account. Was I surprised? No I was not. Why wasn’t I surprised? Because when I met her, she was wearing revealing attire and her speech didn’t exactly sound like she read too many books in her spare time to put it nicely. Prostitute like clothing and dialogue as smart as Bhad Babie’s indeed are characteristics of a so called ‘thot’.

As a single man, I meet a lot of women and have never met a girl that was attending college that had an OnlyFans account. That is not to say uneducated girls are the ones with OnlyFans accounts, but it does seem those with an OnlyFans are more likely to be invested in building up their social media presence instead of going to college or pursuing some type of career.

Out of a randomly selected survey of 10 female Instagram users that had an OnlyFans account link in their bio, the average amount of followers they had was 10,479. The average number of followers for a personal Instagram account is 150 followers according to a study by WorkMacro.

Nonetheless, my personal anecdote and quick study is not conclusive enough to fully confirm those with OnlyFans are nothing more than uneducated, social media thots. So, if you have a personal experience or evidence that can prove (or disprove) those with an OnlyFans account are nothing more than thots, please sound off in the comment section and provide your experiences.

Is It Honorable to Have an Onlyfans Account?

There is absolutely no denying OnlyFans has a negative stigma attached to it. Many girls themselves can’t bring themselves to create an OnlyFans account as it is not deemed honorable and the following tweets provides evidence of that:

Thot OnlyFans Account


Thot OnlyFans Account (2)


If you ask me, it is just as honorable to have an OnlyFans account as it is to be subscribed to one. Thus, any man that has ever subscribed to an OnlyFans account but has shamed women for having one is nothing more than a hypocrite. The seller and user of negative consumption are both at fault. Just as she can be called a ‘thot’ you can be called a ‘simp’ and rightfully so.

Should I Create an OnlyFans Account?

If you really want to create an OnlyFans account and don’t care about the negative stigma attached to it then you should totally do it. The the opinion of others should never dictate your actions.

Keep in mind when we speak of “negative stigma”, it is only attached to those individuals who use OnlyFans to sell explicit content. If you are an artist, musician, inventor, or any other professional aside from a bikini wearing social media influencer, this “negative stigma” and entire article does not apply to you. For these individuals, it is without question you should make an OnlyFans account.

OnlyFans is a great way to create an additional revenue stream. If you are proud of who you are and do not care what your friends, family, and society think about you then go right ahead and get your bag! However, there is no denying a girl who purchased her first home with money she earned from a reputable professional career is much more honorable than a girl who bought her home with money she earned from an OnlyFans account.

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