There are many names in fashion and design. A significant name in the industry is Takashi Murakami (TakshiPom)—and for good reason. You may be asking yourself, “But who is TakashiPom?”. Hailing from the mystical islands of Japan, Murakami is known for his creativity, his originality, his artistic vision, and his badass wizard beard. Read on to learn more Takashi Murakami facts….
1. Who is Takashi Murakami?
Known around social media as TakashiPom and in the art scene as the “Warhol of Japan”, Takashi Murakami is a contemporary Japanese artist with a focus on pop art and fine art.
A fan of manga and anime, Murakami always wanted to be an artist. He attended the Tokyo University of the Arts and finished with a PhD in Nihonga art, the traditional style of Japanese painting. He was heavily inspired by Western art and culture after living in New York City for a year as part of an international studio program. Since 2002 he has partnered with numerous Western and Japanese brands, bringing his art to a wider audience.
2. His Collaborations Involve Some Major Culture Players
In 2002, at the invitation of Marc Jacobs, Takashi Murakami partnered with Louis Vuitton. The handbags were hugely popular and thrust Murakami into the mainstream. This growth of his audience allowed him to branch out into more work. Another interesting fact is that he designed Kanye West’s Graduation album cover art work.
Notable TakashiPom collaborations include:
- Kanye West
- Billionaire Boys Club & Pharrell Williams
- Lionel Messi
- Hakime Asaoka
- Supreme Skate Decks

3. The “Superflat” Movement Was Started by Takashi Murakami
Superflat is the name that Takashi Murakami gives to his postmodern art movement. Influences stem from manga, anime, and other types of Japanese art and often involves a deep criticism of otaku culture and lolicon. Exhibitions have also included anime and manga artists.
Superflat has inspired other movements, such as the American “SoFlo Superflat”. Of all of the Takashipom facts, this one is possibly the most important and influential.
4. ‘Mr. DOB’ Was Created as an Alter Ego
Mr. DOB is a character that Takashi Murakami debuted in 1993. He is an alter ego of the artist and was created to be iconic, memorable, and universally relatable.
Mr. DOB sort of looks like a mix between a Doraemon, Mickey Mouse, and Sonic the Hedgehog. The big ears, round face, and constant grin invoke many feelings in the viewer, making Mr. DOB a powerful image and a necessary Takashipom fact.

5. Murakami Has Had Many, Many Exhibitions
Takashi Murakami has done many exhibitions since garnering the attention of Western audiences. Notably, his art has been featured at:
- Yokohama Museum of Art, Yokohama, Japan
- Garage Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia
- Perrotin, New York, New York
- Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia
- Rockefeller Center, New York, New York

6. He Has a Major Social Media Following
Another Takashi Murakami fact worth noting is that he has a large social media presence. On Instagram alone Takashipom has over one million followers.
Having a large following gives him the power to remain as a relevant and strong influencer of contemporary Japanese art and culture.
7. He Has Some Impressive Auction Sales
Takashipom sells. That is an absolute truth, and there are not too many artists who can boast the sales record that Takashi Murakami pieces hold.
In 2008 his piece entitled My Lonesome Cowboy sold for $15.2 million at Sotherby’s. That is not bad considering he started from nothing. His net worth is an estimated $100 million, making him one of the world’s most successful artists. Not exactly chicken scratch.
8. He Was One of Time Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People” in 2008
To be named on of Time’s “100 Most Influential People” is a real honor. To be the only visual artist of that year to be given the recognition is an even greater honor. That is precisely what happened to Murakami in 2008, marking this Takashi Murakami fact as one of great importance and of his biggest feats.
9. He Has a Factory: Kaikai Kiki
Kaikai Kiki is Takashi Murakami’s art factory and production company. The company features prominent Japanese artists as well as younger ones. They create events, exhibits, and promote merchandise. It is based in Tokyo with offices in New York, Berlin, and Taiwan.

10. His Art Speaks on More Levels Than Visual
The artwork of Takashi Murakami typically involves lots of colors and vivid imagery. However, it is not only the visuals but the philosophies that pervade his artwork and seep into the viewer’s subconscious.
When one views a Murakami piece, they are taken on an almost psychedelic trip into the criticisms of sexualized culture, emptiness, and superficiality. This melding of high culture and pop culture is powerful, and solidifies Takashi Murakami as a voice that is needed in an ever-growing global culture of consumerism.
Now you know who TakshiPom really is 🙂