Twitter is one of the largest social media platforms on the internet. From Donald Trump to Drake, everybody is on Twitter and it is a great place to be entertained, keep in touch with friends and family, as well as promote yourself or your brand. Twitter has also become a hot bed for girls to be adored by many people especially men. These type of girls are often referred to as a ‘Twitter Honey’.
According to the Urban Dictionary, a Twitter honey is:
A female who tends to get attention from males and females on twitter by posting “seductive” type pictures and her following to follower ratio is never close. A twitter honey will tweet things to lure you in like a siren, you follow her and you will never receive a follow back or acknowledgment unless you are a shirtless male or half naked female twitter honey.
The are many benefits to becoming a so called ‘Twitter Honey’. With a lot of followers means you can propel yourself to something greater including becoming a model, actress, or female hustler that sells products to her followers. So for all the ladies that aspire to become a Twitter honey, here are some tips and tricks to get you to that Twitter honey status:
Tweet Seductive Photos
Nothing attracts attention like good ol’ seductive photos. It doesn’t matter whether you think you are the most attractive girl or not, there is a market for everybody. Some guys like thick girls, others like skinny girls. As long as you are tweeting photos of yourself in an attractive manner, expect your followers to go up. Girls also like following confident attract women so don’t think your photos will only attract men, expect girls to follow you as well.
Collaborate With Fellow Twitter Honeys
If you take a look at an already established Twitter honey’s profile, you will find that they retweet fellow Twitter honeys often. Women are always up to make new friends and support fellow women who are also on the same path as them. If you begin to follow, message, and compliment fellow Twitter honeys, expect them to follow back and support your profile as well. So your tweets will now not only show up on your profile, but on the profiles of your fellow Twitter honey friends that retweet your stuff. This will increase your exposure at a rapid pace.
Reach Out to ‘Twitter Honey’ Showcase Accounts
There are various accounts on Twitter that are solely dedicated to tweeting and promoting Twitter honey content. Accounts such as @latinagoals and @badblackgirls are solely dedicated to retweeting the photos and tweets of Twitter honeys. There is these type of accounts for every type of ethnicity and every type of girl so make sure to look around for which account your content fits best and reach out to them!
Be a Conversation Starter
Controversial or conversation starter tweets go a long way. They attract attention and often times get retweets or interaction that brings newfound attention to your Twitter profile. If your profile is interesting enough, expect a new follower that originated from your controversial tweet. Tweets that go a long way are quotes, questions, and jokes. People tend to react to the aforementioned type of tweets. So if you are a funny girl that has an opinion, go ahead and tweet away!
If you follow the tips above, expect to reach your goal of becoming a Twitter honey in no time. The key is to be consistent so make sure you are constantly tweeting seductive photos, networking with fellow Twitter honeys, and tweet conversation starter type of tweets. Once you become a Twitter honey with a large following, you can then turn your newfound followers into paying OnlyFans subscribers or direct them to buy your newly opened webstore. The possibilities are endless!