An entrepreneur can be summarized as someone who takes an idea and executes it. Antonio Johnson also known by his stage name, T’no Lucian, is the definition of an entrepreneur. Whether it is an idea for a song or a book, if Antonio comes up with it, he fearlessly executes.
The Memphis born Antonio has a new book coming out April 24, 2021 called Tiu-Loo: No Bad Deed Goes Unpunished. We had a chance to interview the author, artist, and motivator on what inspired his new book and where he finds the talent to do so many things.
You are a man of many talents. Where do you think your entrepreneurial spirit comes from?
My entrepreneurial spirit definitely comes from my father, Tony Johnson. He instilled in me early on to work for what I wanted. I watched him create his own catering business from the ground up. He worked a job for over 25 years, but his true reward didn’t come until he became his own boss full-time. Watching him create his own hours and earn the money that illustrated his value, made me want to follow in his footsteps almost immediately.
When did you start making music?
I started making music officially when I was 17 years old. I wrote poems as a child, but nothing too serious. I would listen to artists like Tupac Shakur, Selena, DMX, and Bob Marley. They had so many different messages in their songs. I figured if I could find a way to express myself, then writing and recording would help me tremendously. There’s no greater escape than music and writing. It helps me relieve stress and free my mind.
Your single “Hasta Luego” is really catchy. How did that song come about?
Thank you! Hasta Luego is a play on English and Spanish rhyming. I love funny stories that can be comical but true. Once I heard the track, I instantly remembered a brief encounter that I had many years ago with this Latina woman. I added a little fiction to the song, and proceeded to tell a visual story about a few dates that we had been on. That’s actually one of my favorite songs that I’ve written.
How would you summarize your style of music?
I would summarize my style of music as versatile. I’m inspired by many different styles and genres. My artistic style is infused with Reggae, Hip-Hop, and R&B. I don’t box myself in with trends or certain looks. If I feel like writing about a certain topic, I simply do it.
When did you decide you were going to be an author?
Wow, that’s a great question. You know, I never thought I would be an author. However, I knew I wanted to write a book or a stage play. For many years, it was just a thought. In 2018, I was involved in a train accident. During the process of recovery, I decided to write. I ended up writing my stage play, “Nabor’s Gold” and my first book “O’LLAC” as I continued to heal. After a few months of holding on to my manuscript, I was finally able to get my book published. I just wanted to tell a story through my writing. I never fathomed becoming an author.
You have a new book coming out called Tiu-Loo: No Bad Deed Goes Unpunished. What is the book about?
Tiu-Loo is about revenge and accountability. The protagonist of the story is a young man who is teased and bullied because of his hair and skin color as a child. As he becomes popular in college, jealous individuals set him up to be arrested. False accusations get him sent to prison, but once he is released, he goes after the people responsible for his incarceration.
Where did you get the inspiration to write Tiu-Loo: No Bad Deed Goes Unpunished?
My inspiration for Tiu-Loo came from watching so many innocent men fall victim to false allegations and accusations. Men have literally had their lives taken away from them, because some weirdo chose to wake up and lie on them. Men have been imprisoned for decades at a time for no reason at all. They get out of prison angry and still dealing with the trauma, yet they’re told to suck it up and have no one to confide in. My book gives a glimpse of what happens when someone chooses to seek their own justice. The storyline is one that can resonate with anyone.
What do you think readers will learn or walk away with after reading Tiu-Loo: No Bad Deed Goes Unpunished?
I believe readers will learn to understand the power of words after reading this book. When you speak on or say certain things, be sure to be honest and factual about them. Any evil that you do will have an effect on someone whether directly or indirectly. Consequently, karma will appear in some shape, form, or fashion. There is no expiration date on revenge. If you do something to someone, they have every right to hold on to that hurt and anger for as long as they choose to. Everyone isn’t satisfied with simply “turning the other cheek.” People will come see you about what you’ve done to them.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors or artists that are looking to create their own music or publish their own books such as yourself?
My advice to any artist or author would be to believe in yourself. But most importantly, be sure to do your research. Find out what works for you. It’s okay to follow your dreams, but don’t do so blindly. Check the information when seeking out a publisher. It’s okay to compare prices. At the end of the day, your work is a representation and reflection of you. When it comes to music, be true to your craft. Be diligent and authentic. Invest in yourself and be fearless. Trust the process and you will succeed. The only person that can defeat you is you. ♦
Make sure to check out T’no Lucian’s music via Spotify or Apple and don’t forget to purchase Tiu-Loo: No Bad Deed Goes Unpunished on April 24th via Amazon or Barnes & Noble.