
Everything to Know About the ‘Emergency Intercom’ Podcast

Emergency Intercom Podcast

Despite its name, there is no emergency here. ‘Emergency Intercom’ is a comedy podcast by best friends Drew and Enya. The pair sit in their kitchen and just discuss whatever comes to mind. Nothing is off limits with these two. The podcast began in 2021 and it demands that you listen up because “there is an intense need for attention.” Viewers can listen on all major streaming platforms or watch the podcast on YouTube.

Thinking of checking out ‘Emergency Intercom’? Get all the details of everything you should know about the podcast below.

Meet the Hosts

‘Emergency Intercom’s’ hosts, Enya Umanzor and Drew Phillips are longtime friends and social media personalities that have been internet famous since the days of Vine.

Originally from Florida, Umanzor rose to fame during the Vine app’s prime as @enjajaja with about 500,000 followers. Once Vine shut down, she moved her platform to YouTube and used her Vine name as the name of her channel.

Umanzor’s channel included a variety of videos such as makeup rants, comedy and personal vlogs. With over 2 million followers on her YouTube and Instagram combined, Umanzor has grown beyond just a YouTuber and has become an influencer and podcast host. Prior to ‘Emergency Intercom,’ she started her own podcast called “Radio Is Dead” that lasted for two episodes.

Drew’s story is very similar. Phillips was initially Vine famous with over 550,000 followers before he shifted to YouTube after Vine went under. The Texas-native began uploading comedic videos to his self-titled YouTube channel. His humorous videos often included the use of weird face filters and skeleton props.

Drew and Umanzor met around 2015 while they were both on tour and instantly clicked. The pair have since been featured on each other’s channels and became roommates. They are the definition of platonic soulmates.

Before starting ‘Emergency Intercom,’ the friends had their own YouTube show called “Field Trip” that included their friend Josiah and ended after five episodes.

Premise of the Podcast

You’re probably wondering what ‘Emergency Intercom’ is actually about. The answer is it’s not particularly about anything.

Umanzor and Phillips sit in the corner of their kitchen and talk into microphones about everything and share their media of the week at the end of each episode. From discussing the gender of a Baja Blast, to bad experiences with marijuana and mental health, Umanzor and Phillips are able to discuss a range of things in a humorous and lighthearted way.

Their humor is a mix of sarcasm and references of pop and internet culture at every twist and turn. The unscripted nature of the show makes it feel like you’re sitting down and talking with your two best friends for an hour.

Dating Rumors

Since the beginning, people have wondered if Umanzor and Phillips are dating or have dated in the past.

The best friends are indeed not together but it’s a topic they have discussed on the podcast. In true comedic fashion, the duo discussed Enya’s crush on Drew when they first met in “Episode 15 (The Hey Incident).”

To make a long story short, Umanzor texted Phillips that she had a “fat crush” on him and he ghosted her. While recapping the incident he said, “I completely ghosted it. I didn’t want to talk about it ‘cause I was like, ‘No I actually like hanging out with you, don’t ruin this.’” Several hours later, Drew responded with just a “Hi” which became known to them as the “The Hey Incident.”

Umanzor clarified that although it was a crush, it was not a true crush. “It literally wasn’t an actual crush, it was genuinely like I just immediately loved this person but I couldn’t separate the two ideas of this is someone I love on a platonic level versus this is someone I have a crush on.” It’s obvious these two are just best friends with similar energy and humor.


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