Planning a good Halloween costume can be difficult. There is a lot of time, energy, and sometimes money that must be put into a good Halloween costume. However, if you’re clever, you can pull off an awesome Halloween costume without big bucks. The following people managed to use all the aforementioned techniques in creating an awesome Halloween costume. Some spent big bucks, others were simply clever, and one guy was a duck.
Every year new popular costume ideas arise due to groundbreaking events that happened throughout the year. For example, 2011 was the year of Charlie Sheen’s shocking interviews which made Charlie Sheen a popular Halloween costume. This year (2015) you had Katy Perry’s shark and the new term for booty call in, “Netflix and Chill” which also made for awesome Halloween costumes. had the opportunity to roam Hollywood Boulevard and spot some awesome Halloween costumes in 2015. These costumes include the aforementioned 2015 topics of Katy Perry’s shark and “Netflix and Chill” as well as classics such as ‘The Big Bad Wolf’. So without further ado, check out the video below and take a look at some awesome 2015 Halloween costumes!